My 3 step process to plan out the entire year in a week

At the start of every year, I usually post a picture on Instagram of my system as I plan out aaalllll my entire year of business in just a few days. Yes, that’s right, an entire year’s worth of projects, promos, content, etc. in about one week. And people freak out. Rightfully so! I know how crazy it sounds, 12 months of work scheduled out on a calendar is a little control-freak-ish right?! It’s okay, you can say it. But this method helps me brain dump all my ideas + plans for the coming year in an organized way so I can actually accomplish the things I set out to do on January 1. Granted, things will change. Trust me, I’m used to change 😉 So the key to making this work is to be flexible and realistic.

This is an older blog post, and it's is a doozy, but I know a lot of you refer back to this post every January to help you plan out your new year, so here's your reminder to get things down on paper 😜 So prepare yourself. Pour a nice stiff drink, and settle in. This is gonna be the most productive week of your lyyyyfe.

Read about my entire process right here, outlined in 3 basic steps: Brain Dump, Annual Overview, Detailed Lists.

For this type of planning, I also love to break out the post-it notes and a big sunny window. Getting away from the screens and using my hands for a bit always helps me reset... there's that word again. 🤔 Here's an example from last week when I did all this for 2023.

If you're having trouble starting on a big project this year, stay tuned for next week, I'll share my two cents. Starting a new thing isn’t easy. But it doesn’t have to be complicated either.

More next week, thanks for being here 💛


Kelsey Baldwin at Paper + Oats

I'm the one-woman show behind Paper + Oats where I quite frankly have my hands in a lot of different things — teaching creatives how to use Adobe InDesign to grow their business, designing books for authors, creating resources for learning design, marketing, and productivity, sharing my journey as a single mother, and even making pottery in my basement ceramics studio. It's a lot. Subscribe below to follow along with my weekly updates 💛

Read more from Kelsey Baldwin at Paper + Oats

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