writing a book this year?

Hey friends!

Calling all authors and writers, today's email is just for YOU. Writing a book is no joke, it takes an ungodly amount of work and time, and once you have that manuscript finally finished, it can be tempting to want to rush through the design phase and get this book baby out into the world. But don't rush it!

The design of your book can be just as important as the words you wrote on the page.

Let me be your layout nerd πŸ€“ I’d absolutely love to be the one who obsesses over the width of your margins, the perfectly flowing paragraph text that avoids widows and orphans, the consistent spacing between all your changing text styles.

No idea what I’m talking about? Even better.

There are so many unseen parts of book design that make for a great reader experience.

When those elements are missing, it’s obvious and distracting. When they’re present, you don’t even notice, and THAT’S what I’m going for as a book designer.



​For more details on my book design services, see samples of book covers + interiors I've worked on, and to get a quote for your specific project, visit www.paperandoats.com/book-design.​



I have a few spots left for book projects this year, wanna work together? I know I do. πŸ€—

  • February β€” FULL
  • March β€” FULL
  • April β€” 1 spot available
  • May β€” FULL
  • June β€” 1 spot available
  • July β€” FULL
  • August β€” FULL
  • September β€” 1 spot available
  • October β€” 2 spots available
  • November β€” 2 spots available
  • December β€” 1 spot available


πŸ“© Hit reply if you've got a book in the works, and let's chat about your project! Even if you’re still in the writing or editing process, it’s good to get your designer lined up sooner rather than later.

Grateful for you,


Kelsey Baldwin at Paper + Oats

I'm the one-woman show behind Paper + Oats where I quite frankly have my hands in a lot of different things β€” teaching creatives how to use Adobe InDesign to grow their business, designing books for authors, creating resources for learning design, marketing, and productivity, sharing my journey as a single mother, and even making pottery in my basement ceramics studio. It's a lot. Subscribe below to follow along with my weekly updates πŸ’›

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